Good to know: account linking is helpful if you wish to use AIS (Account Information Service) or skip authentication steps when initiating payments via the in-app payments module.
Firstly, you will need to integrate kevin. API and fetch account linking state.
Customise linking flow by tweaking our configuration:
// initialize configuration with state fetched from the API
let configuration = KevinAccountLinkingSessionConfiguration.Builder(state: "state")
.setCountryFilter([.lithuania, .latvia, .estonia])
Implement KevinAccountLinkingSessionDelegate protocol. Make sure that in onKevinAccountLinkingStarted you present returned UINavigationController:
Define your view from which you will be showing representable:
import Kevin
import SwiftUI
struct SampleView: View {
@ObservedObject var viewModel: SampleViewModel
var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 20) {
Button {
} label: {
Text("Link Account")
.sheet(isPresented: $viewModel.viewState.openKevin, content: {
if let controller = viewModel.kevinController {
KevinViewControllerRepresentable(controller: controller)
.presentation(canDismissSheet: false)
Define your ViewModel which will subscribe to KevinAccountLinkingSessionDelegate and invoke the SDK:
import Kevin
import UIKit
class SampleViewModel: ObservableObject, KevinAccountLinkingSessionDelegate {
@Published var viewState = SampleViewState()
var kevinController: UIViewController? = nil
private let apiClient = ApiClient()
func invokeAccountLinkingSession() {
apiClient.getAuthState().done { state in
do {
KevinAccountLinkingSession.shared.delegate = self
try KevinAccountLinkingSession.shared.initiateAccountLinking(
configuration: KevinAccountLinkingSessionConfiguration.Builder(
state: state.state
} catch {
// do something
}.catch { error in
// do something
//MARK: KevinAccountLinkingSessionDelegate
func onKevinAccountLinkingStarted(controller: UINavigationController) {
self.kevinController = controller
self.viewState = MainViewState(openKevin: true)
func onKevinAccountLinkingCanceled(error: Error?) {
// notify user if error has been returned
func onKevinAccountLinkingSucceeded(authorizationCode: String, bank: ApiBank) {
// notify user
Customize session configuration
KevinAccountLinkingSessionConfiguration can be configured with following properties:
setPreselectedCountry - allows to set a default country to be selected in the bank selection screen. If this parameter is not specified, the selection will be based on the SIM card information. In case the SIM card information is not available, the SDK will use the device locale. If the SIM card information and device locale are unavailable, the SDK will select the first country from the country filter (or fall back to the first bank on the list).
setPreselectedBank - allows to specify a default bank that will be preselected in the bank selection screen.
setCountryFilter - allows only certain countries to be supported.
setBankFilter - allows to filter banks and show only selected ones to the user. It requires a list of bank IDs that should be shown.
setDisableCountrySelection - if set to true, country selection will be disabled, and only preselected country banks will be available to choose from.
setSkipBankSelection - if set to true, and bank selection step will be skipped, and the user will be redirected to the bank SCA immediately.