Account information

With kevin. account information service, you can:

Calls to the AIS API are not limited. However, banks may have monitoring system to prevent themselves from frequent requests. Our internal servers reacts to a high traffic as well. For this reason, we recommend to optimize the number of queries to our system.


In order to have access to account information, you must provide one or more scopes. Various scopes allow access to different account information:

ACCOUNTS_BASIC - required to get basic account information such as name, iban and currency.

ACCOUNTS_DETAILS - required to get the full account information as account id, name, type, iban and currency.

ACCOUNTS_BALANCES - required to get account balance. Take a note that it cannot be used without the ACCOUNTS_DETAILS scope since an account id is required. Therefore, the ACCOUNTS_DETAILS scope will be inserted by default if not provided.

ACCOUNTS_TRANSACTIONS - required to get account transactions. Take a note that it cannot be used without the ACCOUNTS_DETAILS scope since an account id is required. Therefore, the ACCOUNTS_DETAILS scope will be inserted by default if not provided.

Account information scopes are not enabled by default. To check if you have the access, you can look at your project settings.

How to use the account information API?

  1. Get a user access token:

    • Initiate user authentication by calling the /auth endpoint with the Request-Id, Redirect-URL and corresponding scope. The service will return an authorizationLink.

    • Redirect the user to authorizationLink. After the successful authorization, the client will be redirected back to your Redirect-URL with code, requestId and status=success query parameters. If authorization does not succeed, you will receive a requestId and a status=failure.

    • Exchange code to an accessToken by calling the /auth/token.

    • Refresh token. When the accessToken expires, use the /auth/token to get a new valid accessToken.

  2. Get account information. accessToken provides the access to account details, balances, and transactions using /ais/accounts/{accountId}/* endpoints.

Last updated

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