
Firstly, please refer on how to implement backend for account linking in our kevin. mobile SDK Backend section. Instructions on how to do that can be found here:


Make sure that when authenticating the account, you specify scopes payments_pos and accounts_basic.

Example using our PHP library:

$client = new Client($id, $secret, ['version' => '0.3', 'error' => 'array']);
$attrs = [
    'redirectPreferred' => 'false',
    'scopes' => 'payments_pos,accounts_basic',
    'Request-Id' => uniqid(),
    'Redirect-URL' => 'https://your.callback.url' // must match SDK callback url
$response = json_encode($client->auth()->authenticate($attrs));

Use our AIS service to get the list of IBAN accounts.

Example using our PHP library:

$client = new Client($id, $secret, ['version' => '0.3', 'error' => 'array']);
$attrs = [
    Authorization' => 'Bearer '. $accessToken,
    'PSU-IP-Address' => $request->getClientIp(),
    'PSU-User-Agent' => $request->headers->get('User-Agent'),
    'PSU-IP-Port' => '12345', // random port
    'PSU-Http-Method' => 'GET',
    'PSU-Device-ID' => uniqid(),
$response = json_encode($client->account()->getAccountList($attrs));

Supply returned accounts to the mobile SDK.

Last updated