To create iOS theme, KevinThemeIos() object must be created. More info on iOS theme attributes can be found here.
class KevinThemeIos {
// Modify content insets
final KevinInsets? insets;
// Modify general shared colour properties between screens
final KevinGeneralStyle? generalStyle;
// Modify navigation bar style if you use our navigation controller
final KevinNavigationBarStyle? navigationBarStyle;
// Modify bottom sheet (for example country selection container)
final KevinSheetPresentationStyle? sheetPresentationStyle;
// Modify style of the separate sections (bank selection titles)
final KevinSectionStyle? sectionStyle;
// Modify grid layout style (bank selection cells)
final KevinGridTableStyle? gridTableStyle;
// Modify list layout style (country selection cells)
final KevinListTableStyle? listTableStyle;
// Modify navigation link style (country selection button)
final KevinNavigationLinkStyle? navigationLinkStyle;
// Modify main button (Continue button) style
final KevinButtonStyle? mainButtonStyle;
// Modify negative button style
final KevinButtonStyle? negativeButtonStyle;
final KevinTextFieldStyle? textFieldStyle;
final KevinEmptyStateStyle? emptyStateStyle;
/* Constructor is omitted */
To use custom icons where applicable, image resource (or resource folder) should be declared in pubspec.yaml.
- assets/images/
- assets/icons/
Then, image resource bytes have to be retrieved and used in theme object.
final customImage = await rootBundle.load('assets/images/icon.png');
final navigationBarStyle = KevinNavigationBarStyle(
backButtonImage: customImage.buffer.asUint8List(),
final iosTheme = KevinThemeIos(navigationBarStyle: navigationBarStyle);
Set theme
When theme object is created, theme must be set inside application's main() method.
Future<void> main() async {
final customImage = await rootBundle.load('assets/images/icon.png');
final navigationBarStyle = KevinNavigationBarStyle(
backButtonImage: customImage.buffer.asUint8List(),
final iosTheme = KevinThemeIos(navigationBarStyle: navigationBarStyle);
await Kevin.setTheme(
iosTheme: iosTheme,